The project generally aims to ensure that the integrity of upland/hilly land biophysical and socio-economic process is maintained.

Specifically, it aims to

  1. Assess soil health status of upland and hilly land areas primarily used for cultivation
  2. Develop and promote a science-based approach that will enhance the full potential of upland and hilly land areas for agri-environmental development
  3. Assess adoption of soil and water technologies, its benefits to farmers and environmental impact



Contact us for more inquiries

Soil Conservation Management Division (SCMD)
Lead Implementing Unit

+63(2) 273-2474 loc. 3221

Soil and Water Resources Research Division (SWRRD)
Collaborating Unit

(8)529-7640 local 402
+63(2) 273-2474 loc. 3228
Geomatics and Soil Information Technology Division (GSITD)
Collaborating Unit

(8)529-7640 local 112
+63(2) 273-2474 loc. 3227